AKB0048 Ep. 5: The Forbidden Star

Who needs an elite SWAT team when you have 15 year old girls to help you to carry out covert operations in a enemy base? I mean they get the job done and they still look adorable while doing it. It’s not as if it’s dangerous or anything. They have protection… it’s called plot armor. Unless Gen Urobochi wrote the script.



So it’s the Makoto episode this time. The pessimist who has some serious confidence and hand-to-eye coordination issues.  The one who everyone expected the least out of and did not even expect to appear in the anime as a main character.

Well at least she's good at something.

Well at least she’s good at something.

I take back everything I said from the previous pic.

I take back everything I said from the previous pic.

But then again, throughout the episode, she continued being herself and messing things up in ways completely unimaginable. I mean, friends fighting with bullets flying at them, I’m going to curl up in fetal position and hope for the best. Hopefully a stray bullet won’t shoot me in my cowardy head.

Cause you know, those aren't fake guns or anything.

Cause you know, those aren’t fake guns or anything.

Wait... Is she actually appearing cool?

Wait… Is she actually appearing cool?

The thing is, Makoto is established to be a useless coward who doesn’t even try her best, but at the same time, she shines for being like that! Her uselessness is what makes her special. I might sound exceedingly cruel here (I am) but when she actually shines, she shines with a brilliance. No pun intended.

Damn... For the next few seconds, I will sit back and say, "Damn, she is cool...."

Damn… For the next few seconds, I will sit back and say, “Damn, she is cool….”

All it took was for her to actually notice that people depended on her and supported her. And that moment when she decided to take the jump and her hair got untied, I have to say, she looked absolutely cool that I completely forgot about my irritation that I felt towards her for being such a useless character. I just went… “Oooo…. Damn that is cool.”

and.... the moment is well and truly over.

and…. the moment is well and truly over.

So this episode was a good episode in my opinion. Take the attention of the shining stars of the show and let the people lurking in the shadows to actually take a stand in the spotlight at last. Seeing that the characters that were hardly mentioned in the first season are getting some of the limelight, my guess is that one of the episodes down the road will be an episode of Suzuko seeing that she has done nothing except for supporting the rest of the cast for a really, really long time.

No... you can't just become cool in the matter of seconds after that mess-up.

No… you can’t just become cool in the matter of seconds after that mess-up.

A final note is that it is interesting the way that many idol shows portrays the hardship of the idols. To be an idol means to be looked upon by hundreds of people and in doing so, people put hopes and expectations on you. So even if you get hit by an explosion (metaphorically) you still have to put on a brave front and act or cutesy. In every single idol show, they will definitely emphasize on how difficult it is to become an idol. I’ve watched my share of idol shows so I will make that judgment.

Still... respect! You dance after being hit by explosions!

Still… respect! You dance after being hit by explosions!

Just a little complaint of mine, but seeing that so many idol shows have been airing or aired, when will we get more anime about the seiyuu themselves. I mean they have their own difficult struggles and all that their fans would love to know more about and also gives aspiring seiyuu an unique view of their future jobs.

This picture will be here for I am a sadist.

This picture will be here for I am a sadist.

About sleepynoyume

To say the least, Seiyuu nut and Otaku!

4 thoughts on “AKB0048 Ep. 5: The Forbidden Star

  1. Koe de Oshigoto <– Anime about seiyuu, the main character contributes her voice to the eroge industry.

    Sore wa Seiyuu <— Hata Kenjirou's doujin manga about seiyuu.

    The later parts of Bakuman also put some more focus on the seiyuu career of one of the characters.

    • Ahh…. But most seiyuu anime are rather short and few… I was hoping for like a full length 13 ep season kind of thing as compare to OVAs
      But i will check out the manga and see if it’s good

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