Love Live Ep 6 – New Leader?

So…. it has come to the point where the group discovered that the happy-go-lucky Honoka is not cut out to be the leader. But is Honoka really unsuitable as the leader of the group?

It should be this fine lady here

It should be this fine lady here (NOT NICO)

Even though Honoka may be blur and seem irresponsible at times, she actually says the correct things at the correct times. And still knows how to enjoy at all the other times. Honoka was after all, the one who started the group and increased the number of members to the current 7. Honoka is actually just like the character I want to be, fun, positive and can yet talk so meaningfully. When she’s passionate about something, nobody can stop her!



Hence, Muse’s no center, unlike AKB, is created! Where everyone gets to be a center at one point in time and is so much fairer. This also shows that everyone is equal in the group and that Honoka is worthy to be the leader.

So inspirational... sniff....

So inspirational… sniff….

The best part was still when Nico was just ignored all the way. Ironic as she was the focus of the previous episode.. Personally, I still do not really love Nico’s character or should I say I only like one of her characteristics. I mean, she changes her personality just like how the weather changes in Singapore… (Ok, that was bad). But seriously, her serious personality is bleh and her cute personality is just so fake… However, her singing voice is still quite cute.

More epic faces :D

More epic faces 😀

And shortly after…


Okay, back to the start. The whole video part was both hilarious and enjoyable. It was like a summary of all the characters in the group so far, and it showed the various characteristics each person had. And yes, they hinted a new song at the start!! It was also really nice to see that Nozomi was helping out openly this time, which means that she should join the group sooon! (next episode maybe?)

Aww too adorable....

Aww too adorable….

This is going to be a bad comment for love live. But their budget is so low that the girls looks so fake when dancing, due to the 3D models used. And the number of frames…. pathetic. However, weren’t you just drooling at the girls’ outfits during the pv?

LOOK AT THAT....... If you can just ignore the animation and focus on rin....

LOOK AT THAT……. If you can just ignore the animation and focus on rin….

Umi's expression... xP How did she even agree to usamimi anyway..

Umi’s expression… xP How did she even agree to usamimi anyway..

Aaaand, Erichi is finally going to appear for more than 5 minute next ep! Eri is finally going to act according to the cards as Nozomi’s is not enough. They left us with a cliffhanger and I’m sure we are also all curious about how big the thing is…



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