Vividred Operation Ep. 7: Unyielding Wish



You know what Vividred needs more of? Rei. And this episode delivered it. We got more Rei and plenty of adorable scenes with her in it.



Apparently because they are lolis, they still have to study. So what do you do when the world is under the constant threat of a monster destroying its only energy supply? You hold study groups! And invite your enemy along so that they can spy on you!



Rei is completely tsundere this entire episode. The way she jumps between tsun and dere is so nicely done that it’s making me like her even more. The whole “gap moe” is too strong… once you get drawn in by Rei, you’re never going back out?



But on the downside, Rei is becoming less and less of an intimidating foe. I mean if you’re going to be a cool evil loli, at least don’t scream when you get shocked by something like a pervert frozen in the fridge. At the moment now, I can’t think of her as a villain any more but more of those gag villains who end up turning good.

Because every femail villain has to dress like that to research on her computer

Because every femail villain has to dress like that to research on her computer

Yes Wakaba, everyone of the girls in this show is cute. Except you. Muahahaha. Just kidding I love you too,

Yes Wakaba, everyone of the girls in this show is cute. Except you. Muahaha. Just kidding I love you too,

Then there’s this thing, isn’t Aoi supposed to hate eating tomatoes? Why did she smile and eat then?

Girl... You ain't eating skittles!

Girl… You ain’t eating skittles!


Now I also have a giant bone to pick with Dr. Isshiki. The whole Vivid System is the most technological advanced thing in the show. It can take damage from lazer beams, but not from an EMP? (Electro Magnetic Pulse)

You really want to know? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

You really want to know? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

Ahh… so many delightful logic holes in this show. But still, this show is great to look at and I hope Akane will be alright, I mean without her we won’t get anymore loli yuri kissing scenes as they combine. But I’m still waiting for the Rei to join the girls, I mean she has to do that soon… The main evil bad guy hasn’t showed her face yet.

"I can't?"

Oh my gawd no!







This what happens. Your granddaughter dies. The End.

This what happens. Your granddaughter dies. The End.

About sleepynoyume

To say the least, Seiyuu nut and Otaku!

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